EJTECH regularly holds workshops on soft interfaces, sonic interaction design, creative technology and material research at academic as well as non-academic cultural institutions. Below you can find selected previous workshops and courses. Please write us for more info.

More info: https://bb15.at/2023/soft-resonance/
Guest lecture: 25.4.2023, 2 pm at the University of Arts Linz,
Hörsaal Lehramt (H80114), Hauptplatz 8, 1. floor
Workshop: 26. – 27.4.2023 10 am – 5 pm at theTangible Music Lab,
Tabakfabrik Linz, Bau 1, B/C, 1. floor, Peter-Behrens-Platz 8-9
Showcase: 28.4.2023, 5pm at bb15
Hörsaal Lehramt (H80114), Hauptplatz 8, 1. floor
Workshop: 26. – 27.4.2023 10 am – 5 pm at theTangible Music Lab,
Tabakfabrik Linz, Bau 1, B/C, 1. floor, Peter-Behrens-Platz 8-9
Showcase: 28.4.2023, 5pm at bb15
The project is part of the Oscillations: Exercises in Resilience project.
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Lecture of artist duo EJTECH: Beyond Metamaterial! The lecture will be held in english.
VŠVU/AFAD - Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, SK, KAT Katedra architektonickej tvorby
VŠVU/AFAD - Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, SK, KAT Katedra architektonickej tvorby

Skinterface is a workshop focused on the creation of soft sensors for musical interaction. Participants will be introduced to the basics of electronic textiles from both the hardware, as well as the software approach.
During this 3-part hands-on workshop we will build soft sensors from scratch, and connect them to our own written program, in order to explore augmented textile as a touch-based control surface for human-computer interaction. This is an entry level workshop, no prior knowledge in programming or electronics is required.
Location: Fundación BilbaoArte Fundazioa, Bilbao, SP, 2022

Urban Camp
Five days, five artists, five senses
Found Sound / Esteban de la Torre
Sound incites presence. Sonorous phenomena only exist on the verge of becoming something else. As it unfolds, sound constitutes space and articulates time. We are constantly surrounded by ever changing complex soundscapes. The chaotic noise from our city is mostly numbed out by its inhabitants. The busy streets with its busking traffic set an invisible rhythm to our daily commute. What happens if we stay still for a moment and just listen? What is hidden and becomes apparent if we allow ourselves to fully stop and observe the intricate layers of sound that exist everywhere around us? Will we find music? Does music reside on the creator, or rather on the perceiver?
During the workshop we will use tools to explore and capture the sound of our environment, from onsite field recordings, delicate micro sounds to electromagnetic field sensing. In the spirit of musique concrète, these recordings will be selected, edited and mangled by the participants resulting in a final sound performance.
Location: The Space of Opportunity, Budapest, HU, 2022

EJTECH Masterclass and Workshop
'In collaboration with KASK School Of Arts departments EPAS - European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound and Media Art - Mediakunst we present an EJTECH masterclass in KASK Cinema in Ghent with the support of our EU program Oscillations. The artists will talk about their work process and methods in interaction with sound and textiles.'
Oscillations is an international exchange program exploring the tension between acoustic and visual art forms from a makers perspective. The program aims to facilitate the circulation of artists working with sound across national and disciplinary boundaries as well as to foster knowledge exchange between artist-run spaces. Oscillations is a two year exchange program taking place in 2020-2022 linking four artist-run organisations: Overtoon (BE), bb15 (AT), iii (NL), Lydgalleriet (NO). Oscillations is co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.
Location: Royal Academy of Fine Arts KASK & Conservatorium / School of Arts Gent, Belgium, 2022

Artists in residence EJTECH are giving an entry level workshop to electronic textiles, focusing on building an interface for your skin (skinterface). In this workshop, we will focus on sound controlled by the sense of touch.
To achieve this, we will build a simple patch to produce sound in Pure Data (an open source programming language) and work with an arduino, conductive textiles, and pressure sensors to control our patch physically with touch.
At the end of the workshop, we will have a jam session together with our interfaces.
At the end of the workshop, we will have a jam session together with our interfaces.
Location: iii - instrument inventors initiative, The Hague, NL, 2020
WEARABLE FUTURES, Salon IDA (Interdisciplinarity in Design and Art)
Location: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, CH, 2018

Entangled EcoSystems - Sonic ecologies and plant-human inter cognition
Location: Hungarian University of Fine Art, Budapest, HU, 2022

Lecture and workshop.
Location: University of Applied Arts Vienna, Art & Science, 2022

Soft Interfaces course
MOME OPEN aims to fill the knowledge transfer gaps of the 21st century by creating and operating training areas in the arts, culture, education and business, and to train an outstanding workforce to fill the skills and competency gaps in the creative industries.
Location: Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, 2017, 2020