Site-specific sound space installation. 2022. Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art: Extended Present – Transient Realities, Műhely // The Hall of ONYX, the green Michelin star sustainable restaurant

The “sculpting” of sound is inseparable from site-specificity, but sound spaces are not produced by the reception of sound: sound spaces are shaped by sound, whether by elevating them to a cognitive level or internalising them. Paradoxically, the sound that is created by the installations of EJTECH studio cannot be recorded in the form in which one perceives it. Moreover, the perceived sound is not repeatable: everyone experiences something different in the same installation. Soundspaces are not physical spaces containing sound, but ephemeral, ever-changing spaces brought into existence by the presence of sound.
Of Matter In Waves is a site-specific installation realized with the cooperation of Műhely / The Hall of ONYX: the work is dedicated to unfolding matter into the sonic domain through a textile sound system. EJTECH's work creates a space for exploring the extended present via electromagnetic air sculptures. A spatial sound setup to invoke invisible geometries of emerging sonic constellations through multichannel compositions. A spatiotemporal opening for encountering entanglement and blurring the duality between subject and object. A tool for weaving sound spaces into existence.